Archive by tag: Nursing HomeReturn
Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities: The Telltale Signs
In 1980, a Dade County Grand Jury investigated the quality of health care in Florida’s nursing homes. The results were shocking. Sixty percent of the nursing home facilities investigated were found to provide "unacceptable or consistently very poor care." In fact, the investigation described "health hazards and deficiencies in patient care that allegedly have been allowed to continue for years." The Grand Jury further concluded that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS") l...
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Categories: Articles | Tags: Nursing Home, Misconduct, Legislation | View Count: (3069)
Florida's Nursing Homes - Punitive Damages for Displaying Bad Manners
Imagine the scenario. Leona Helmsley procures an early release from her income tax evasion prison sentence. Unfortunately, she has developed physical ailments that require residence in a nursing home. She likes Florida's climate, and decides to move into one of approximately 623 nursing homes in operation here.1 Things go well in the beginning, and she flourishes in her new surroundings. She attempts to relax, but her entrepreneurial tendencies emerge. She begins to convene increasingly large...
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Categories: Articles | Tags: Lawsuit, Nursing Home, Misconduct | View Count: (7921)