Archive by tag: Civil RightsReturn

Guarding Liberties While Fighting Terrorism

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Guarding Liberties While Fighting Terrorism
Eavesdropping on conversations between inmates and their lawyers. Sneak-and-peak warrants that allow secret searches, wiping out the chance to call a lawyer or watch while the police rummage. Secret databases of suspicious people with no clear guidelines of what names and information are included. Rounding up and detaining indefinitely more than 1,200 people, some on material witness warrants, some on immigration violations such as overstaying a visa, some detained even when an immigrat...
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Categories: Articles | Tags: Legislation, Civil Rights, Terrorism | View Count: (2667)
Defending the Sovereign in Subsection 1983 Police Misconduct Cases:  An Overview
The number of cases involving civil rights litigation as a result of alleged police misconduct has grown exponentially within recent years. The plethora of case law arising from this surge of litigation has made civil rights one of the most rapidly expanding areas of the law. This article will provide a brief overview of the law concerning liability of a sovereign in police misconduct cases brought pursuant to 42 U.S.C. subsection 1983. The vast number of issues raised in civil rights action...
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Categories: Articles | Tags: Police, Civil Rights, Misconduct, Legislation | View Count: (3439)